a poet's wele to his love-begotten daughter 注释标题 burns never published this poem.
the first instance that entitled him to
the venerable appetion of father
thou's wele, wean; mishanter fa' me,
if thoughts o' thee, or yet thy mamie,
shall ever daunton me or awe me,
my boniedy,
or if i blush when thou shalt ca' me
tyta or daddie.
tho' now they ca' me fornicator,
an' tease my name in kintry tter,
the mair they talk, i'm kent the better,
e'en let them sh;
an auld wife's tongue's a feckless matter
to gie ane fash.
wele! my bonie, sweet, wee dochter,
tho' ye e here a wee unsought for,
and tho' your in' i hae fought for,
baith kirk and queir;
yet, by my faith, ye're no unwrought for,
that i shall swear!
wee image o' my bonie betty,
as fatherly i kiss and daut thee,
as dear, and near my heart i set thee
wi' as gude will
as a' the priests had seen me get thee