address of beelzebub
to the right honourable the earl of breadalbane, president of the right honourable and honourable the hignd society, which met on the 23rd of mayst at the shakespeare, covent garden, to concert ways and means to frustrate the designs of five hundred hignders, who, as the society were informed by mr. m'kenzie of applecross, were so audacious as to attempt an escape from theirwful lords and masters whose property they were, by emigrating from thends of mr. macdonald of glengary to the wilds of canada, in search of that fantastic thing—liberty.
long life, my lord, an' health be yours,
unskaithed by hunger'd hignd boors;
lord grant me nae duddie, desperate ar,
wi' dirk, ymore, and rusty er,
may twin auld scond o' a life
she likes—as butchers like a knife.
faith you and applecross were right
to keep the hignd hounds in sight:
i doubt na! they wad bid nae better,
than let them ance out owre the water,
then up among thaekes and seas,
they'll mak what rules andws they please:
some daring hancocke, or a franklin,
may set their hignd bluid a-ranklin;
some washington again may head them,
or some montgomery, fearless, lead them,
till god knows what may be effected
when by such heads and hearts directed,
poor dunghill sons of dirt and mire
may to patrician rights aspire!
nae sage north now, nor sager sackville,
to watch and premier o'er the pack vile,—
an' whare will ye get howes and clintons
to bring them to a right repentance—
to cowe the rebel generation,
an' save the honour o' the nation?
they, an' be d-d! what right hae they
to meat, or sleep, or light o' day?
far less—to riches, pow'r, or freedom,
but what your lordship likes to gie them?
but hear, my lord! glengarry, hear!
your hand's owre light to them, i fear;