heron election ballad, no. iv.(1 / 2)

heron election bad, no. iv.

the er.

tune—“buy broom besoms.”

wha will buy my in, fine election ware,

broken trade o' broughton, a' in high repair?

chorus—buy braw in frae the banks o' dee;

wha wants in let him e to me.

there's a noble earl's fame and high renown,

for an auld sang—it's thought the gudes were stown—

buy braw in, c.

here's the worth o' broughton in a needle's e'e;

here's a reputation tint by balmaghie.

buy braw in, c.

here's its stuff and lining, cardoness' head,

fine for a soger, a' the wale o' lead.

buy braw in, c.

here's a little wadset, buittle's scrap o' truth,

pawn'd in a gin-shop, quenching holy drouth.

buy braw in, c.

here's an honest conscience might a prince adorn;

frae the downs o' tinwald, so was never worn.